31 jan2018

Shipbuilding Solutions

SB Shipbuilding Solutions B.V. is a maritime project agency, specialised in the design and construction of vessels for inland navigation and small shipping.

The organisation supports clients in the realisation of new and innovative projects, from concept to completion. SB Shipbuilding Solutions B.V.’s strength lies in the unique combination of theoretical knowledge of design, regulation and shipbuilding, and extensive practical experience of navigation and shipbuilding.

Our experienced team enjoys taking a fresh look at innovative projects and can support you in fields such as:

  • (Concept) Design
  • Construction guidance
  • Project management
  • Budget calculations
  • Tender documentation
  • Advice and Expertise

SB Shipbuilding Solutions B.V. – Specialists with an eye for detail, customer-oriented, flexible and competent.

Contact: info@vlaamsewaterweg.be

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